How to buy computers and monitors if you’re a small business or a solopreneur

If you’re a small business or a solopreneur with no IT Support on retainer and you need to buy a new computer set, this guide is for you. It’s simple, non-technical and everything here you can do it yourself. Let’s dig in.


Buy two 4k monitors, the prices have come down significantly and the resolution you get is just great. Go to a physical store and inspect them physically, put the two side by side and see how they feel. Buy 23/24 inches so you can place them side by side. If you go bigger, you might just need one. Choose between the two options.

Additionally, if you use a laptop, we recommend operating it in clamshell mode (with the lid closed). Your eyes will thank you because they only need to focus on two external monitors of similar resolution and size.

Monitor cables

If you have a laptop, carry the laptop with you while buying the monitors (or take pictures of the right and left side of the laptop). Ask at the store what cables you need and if the cables do indeed come with the monitor.


If you’re a Mac person, get the MacBook Pro, it drives two 4K monitors without additional equipment.

if you’re a laptop person, get a branded one. Preferably get one with 32GB memory, the least you should get is 16GB.

PC desktops are slightly cheaper than laptops but if your work requires mobility, laptops are a better choice.

Backup computer

Don’t throw away your old computer just as yet. Keep it as a backup for the day your machine doesn’t wake up, cannot boot and you don’t have the the time hit the store and buy one and set it up. Keep the old computer as a backup.

New computer policy

Treat your computer like part of your business. Put a policy in to get a new machine at least every four years. Slow machine might mean you’re wasting billable time. Not being on the latest Operating System update might mean you’re not as secure as you could be.

Hardware support

When you buy branded computer, the manufacturer provides support. Although you have to call them up and it’ll take you time, they do provide support which otherwise you cannot get and for free. Use them when needed.

Computer retirement

When it’s time to give away a computer either because its too old or you want to decommission it, make sure the data on it is wiped completely. If you have access to the hard disk, you might want to physically destroy it. If you don’t know how to wipe the data, there are recyclers that do and provide you with a certificate of data destruction. Research and contact them. Never give away a computer with business data on it.

Closing remarks

Thea above guidelines are designed to meet the needs of most small businesses. However, if your business requires a more tailored solution, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Prasna IT. We’ll assess your specific needs and recommend the ideal machine configuration to ensure optimal performance. This personalized service is included as part of our Managed IT Services for all our clients!

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