Prasna Blog

  • How to fix incorrect dates in emails in Outlook after a migration

    We encountered a situation where an email displayed one date in the Message List Area in Outlook but a different date in the Preview Pane. This issue affected nearly 20,000 emails. The screenshot below provides a visual reference to illustrate what we observed. How did this happen: Sometimes, when emails from an email provider (e.g.,…

  • Notes on backups for small business

    The saying goes, If you have client data, you’ll probably need a backup! And most small business do indeed have client data. And data backup you should have three copies. Original, a copy on a different media and the third copy in a remote location. If you’re on Microsoft 365, a simple and easy way…

  • What Cybersecurity, Antivirus product for Small Business

    Gone are the days of traditional antivirus software that detected viruses based on preloaded signatures. Most vendors now develop tools that install on your computer and remain connected to the vendor’s software at all times. This tool, called a sensor, monitors system activity and feeds data to the vendor’s software. The vendor software performs the…

  • Fundamental security notes for small business

    Computer security is a broad and complex topic. In this post, we’ll cover a few basic practices that small businesses can easily implement, often at little to no cost, to improve their computer security and maintain good security hygiene. Two accounts on your computer Create two accounts on your computer. One that has administrative privileges…

  • How to buy computers and monitors if you’re a small business or a solopreneur

    If you’re a small business or a solopreneur with no IT Support on retainer and you need to buy a new computer set, this guide is for you. It’s simple, non-technical and everything here you can do it yourself. Let’s dig in. Monitors Buy two 4k monitors, the prices have come down significantly and the…

  • Why your small business should have an official email address

    Let’s just put it out there – its cool to have a custom email address for your business instead of a gmail or telus or an outlook account! Your custom email like is a matter of pride and fun! It’s symbolic of your dream to produce significant change in your customer’s lives; of your…

  • Prasna IT is a Dell Technologies Authorized Partner

    We’re happy to announce that we’re a Dell Technologies Authorized Partner starting today! This will allow us to serve our customers faster, provide consulting services on hardware and solutions and more. Original:

  • The Captcha Menace and a Simpler Solution

    Remember the last time you had to solve a Captcha and you were trying so hard that you could feel the anger in the whole of your body while you try to find and align the picture in the way it was asked the tenth time?! Captchas are a huge waste of time – humans…

  • Managed Service Provider in Vancouver – Finding them, Evaluating them – Prasna IT

    Hello fellow Vancouverite, welcome! The world of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) in our city is vast, and finding the right one requires a systematic approach. This guide will take you through the steps of identifying, evaluating, and choosing a Managed Service Provider that aligns with your unique needs. Step 0: Get a list Find the…

  • Use Password Manager – today!

    We all have done it. Same password in more than one website. Very weak one. One that has been used for many years and never changed. And each time we need to register for yet another website (Any solution to expunge this ordeal of account registration from our lives is going to be the biggest…